Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Story of Solomon the son of David and the lovesick ant
'Solomon, in the midst of all his occupations, passed by a swarm of ants on the roadside. All the ants came forward to do obeisance; in an hour many thousands had come. But one ant did not come quickly before him because there was a mound of earth in front of its home. With the speed of the wind that ant was carrying out each separate particle of earth so that that mound might be cleared away. Solomon summoned it and said: "0 ant, I perceive thee to be without strength or endurance, And yet if thou wert to acquire the lifespan of Noah and the patience of Job, thy task would not be accomplished.This is no task for the arm of thy likes; thou wilt not cause this mound to disappear."The ant opened its mouth and said: "0 king, by high endeavour one can proceed along this road. Look not at my constitution and build, have regard to the perfection of my endeavour. There is a certain she-ant who is invisible to me and who had drawn me into the snare other love. She has said to me: 'If thou removest this mound of earth from here and clearest the way, I will cast on one side the boulder of separation from thee and then sit together with thee.' Now my loins are girded for this task; I know about nothing except this carrying of earth. If this earth is made to disappear I can achieve union with her, And if I die in this endeavour, at least I shall not be an idle boaster and a liar."—
Friend, learn of love from an ant; learn of such sight from one who is blind. Though the ant's cloak is very black, yet it is one of the attendants on the road.

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