Friday, July 4, 2008


Listen(O seeker),
May Allah guide you in both worlds (this world & hereafter)
I was HA of (the domain of) HOVIAT ( the Divine Essence)
As a treasure of (the domain of) YAHOOT ( the First Manifestation)
Hidden in(the domain of) LAHOOT ( the World of Negation)
Then, in (the domain of) MALAKOOT, ( the World of Pure Intelligence)
I desired that I may become known where there is JABROOT (the World of Power)
Thus, I created the creation in (the domain of) NASSOOT ( the World of bodies)
The ENTITY, (which is) the fountain-head of all springs of reality
(which is) the HA of HUWIYET
(The LOVE)
held the heavenly court & divine throne, beyond the limits of all the existence (but) (people having) LOVE ( could reache there) in that court of magnificience
An exemplary lesson( is to be learnt here)
About the nature of that holy ENTITY
that thousands of thousand
rather innumberable
caravans of ( people of) intellect got crushed by stones (perished on the way) (while trying to reach Almighty through logic & reason)
Praise & Glory be to ALLAH
Even from these bodies of earthly elements (i-e from this material world)
there are thousands of ways in which
evidences of (Creator's) beauty & grandeur are being revealed
(it seems that) the OMNIPOTENT ENTITY( through this material world)
has created a clear, pure mirror
in order to see HIS own beautiful face

(because so much of AllAH's beauty & grandeur is being reflected through this material world)
(and by seeeing HIS face in this mirror) HE is playing the game of love by HIMSELF ( but in this game)
HE, Himself, is the sight (vision) (and) HE, Himself, is the seer ( viewer) ( and) HE, Himself, is the scene (View)
HE, Himself, is the Love. HE, Himself, is the lover. HE, Himself, is the be-loved.
(indeed, O seeker!) if you lift the veil ( of your ego from your eyes) (then you will see that)
everything is singularity ( in reality there is ONLY one ENTITY) which actually exists
(and) all of the duality ( of things)
( the world of variety & multiplicity) is only due to your (squint) eyes
Says, the author of this book,
who resides, secluded, in the sanctuary of ( ALLAH"s) beauty & grandeur
of the HA of HUWIYET, in the truest way
who is completely absorbed in observing the ABSOLUTE ENTITY
who is a gift from the WITNESSED OMNIPRESENCE
the WORSHIPPED ONE, in the turest way
who swings in the cradle of "
"praise me, how great is my splendour"
who, being at station if highest respect,
waers on his head the crown of the knowledge (of God) and oneness(of His Being)
who, wears on his shoulders the robe of reconcilliation and of purification with
"'antaa anaa' 'wa anaa anta' ( you are me, and I am you) ( purgation through annihilation of self)
who, was given the title of HAQ ( truth, personified)
by the HAQ ( Absolute Truth i-e ALLAH)
who is the secret of the ENTITY of HOO
who is Faqir BaaHoo (may his secrete be sanctified)
who is known to be (from the tribe of) Awaan resident of the vicinity of Fort Shor(kote)
may ALLAH safegaurd him from mischeif & oppression
(the author of this books says) few sentences
about the secrets from (his) search (enquiries ) into faqr (piety, mendicancy)
(about) the station of the ENTITY of HUWIYET
"(about the phrase) 'rahmatee wasay-at kulla shay-in' ( My Mercey surrounds every thing)
to explain ( the deeper) meanings inside (its apparent ) meaning
to teach (the meanings) of the rarest of the rare
The one who has knowledge (of God), and the one who has unified (with God)
looks around, in every direction,with wide open eyes
BUT does not see anything except (ALLAH's HOLY ) PRESENCE
thus he erases from himself all the signs of ( false notions of )
oneselfness & otherselfness ( he realises that material existence , inside or outside of oneself, is just a mirage)
so that absolute could unify with ABSOLUTE ( the absolutely purified soul of the seeker can unify with ABSOLUTE ENTITY (ALLAH ) only if seeker is able to kill his/her ego)
Listen (O Seeker !)
from ITS secluded chamber of UNITY
decided to reveal ITSELF in this phenomenal world of multiplicity
then HE created a commotion by unveiling HIS sacred eterenal beauty
and towards the candle of HIS divine beauty, the two worlds rushed like a moth only to be burnt alive(in HIS love)
and through the veil of 'meem' of Ahmed
( the Light of Singularity) transformed into shape of Ahmed
and due to abundance of emotions (of love) and devotion ( to Ahmed)
( the Light of Singularity) seven times shook upon ITself
and, from this (were created) souls of seven saints (faqirs)
so much purified, they annihilated themselves in ALLAH
and thus they found eternal life along with ALLAH
who remained immersed in thoughts of ALLAH, who are (like a) rindless(fruit), full of kernel (full of essence, without anything extra)
much earlier than the creation of Adam (peace on.him)
after being remained drowned for seventy thousand years
in the ocean of Divine Beauty
(these seven rindless fruits i-e purified souls were borne on the tree of ( reflection of ) faith
except the ENTITY OF ABSOLUTE TRUTH from beginning till the end (of all existence)
Cheezy Na Deedand
( these seven sacred souls) did not ( and will not) see anythings else
and did not ( and will not) listen to anybody except ALLAH
in the sanctuary of magnificence (of ALLAH) (these seven sacred souls remain drowned)
permanently in the ocean of union ( with ALLAH ) without any decline ( in the state of union)
at times, they do hide themselves, under the aura of sacred light ( NOOR)
(for the sake of pursuing) their search of sanctity & purgation
Wa Gaahay Qatraa Der Beher
at times, they are (like a) droplet in the ocean ( part of the whole)
and at times, they are (like an) ocean in the droplet ( after union, part becomes whole)
and on (their shoulders) is the beneficient robe of
" "when FAQR reached its peak it becomes ALLAH"
that is why, (these seven faqirs have been bestowed) with an unending life and
with the respectable, everlasting crown (on their head)
because of faqr(contentment), they need nothing from their PROVIDER ( as they have unified with HIM )
nor do they need anything from 'other than HE' ( indeed, one does not need anybody after unifying with ALLAH)
so honourable, so esteemed, ( they are) ( so elevated, is their spiritual station)
that ( they are) not at all, aware of the birth of Adam ( peace be upon him)
nor (are they aware) of the happenings of the doomsday
(they have surpassed the temporal domain, thus for them, the beginning or end of time, means nothings)
Qadam-ay Eeshaan
their feet are
on the head of the Awliya(s) Ghaus(es) and Qutubs ( all hierarchies of saints)
(thus) if you call them GOD, that is (perfectly) justified
and if you regard them as worshippers of GOD, that is also perfectly right
and (the one) who understood this (intricate point) (only he has) understood (consistency of thought behind the above two apparently contradicting statements is the crux of the matter, and the one who understood how these seemingly confilicting statements can be true at the same time, is the person who has understood the essence of sufism)
and (thus) Their (high) station is itself in the sancutuary of ENTITY OF MAGNIFICENCE
(because) they never asked any thing from HAQ (ABSOLUTE TRUTH) except the HAQ
(neither) ( the possessions of) this lowly material world, (nor) the comforts of the hereafter
( like) houries, palaces, and (the temptation for) paradise,
(even) for a single momment, caught their eyes (attention)
one (of them) is the soul of 'Lady of the day of judgement' (Bibi Fatima) (may ALLAH be pleased with her)
another (of them) is the soul of khuwaja Hassan Basri (may ALLAH be pleased with him)
Wa Yakay Roohay Shaikay Maa, Haqeeqat-al-Haq
another (of them) is the soul of my shaikh,'the reality of TRUTH'
'the ABSOLUTE NOOR, manifestation of TRUTH'
Hazrat Mahboob-ay Soobhaani, Sayed Muhiyuddin Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani
may ALLAH sanctify his secret
another (of them) is the soul of 'the king of lights' 'the secret of ETERNITY'
Hazrat Peer Abdur-Razzaq, son of Hazrat Pir Dastgeer
may ALLAH sanctify his secret
another (of them) is the soul of 'a fountain from the (divine) fountains' i-e Faqir Bahoo
the secret from the secrets of ENTITY of YAHOO
and there are two more souls, of two other Awliyas
and only due to the esteemed felicity and bleasings of these two souls, the two worlds (this world and hereafter) have their (apparent) stability & permanence
as long as these two souls
from the nest of UNITY (their place in the domain of WAHDAT)
do not bring themselves into this world of variety
the doomsday (of this material world) will not take place. (the world will not come to an end until the souls of two remaining Sultan-ul-furqaa do not reveal themselves)
their glance (the seven sultan-ul-fuqraa's) is pure (sacred) light of UNITY (NOOR OF Wa hadat and (is like) alchemy of honour and diginity
(because) on whomesoever their, rarest of the rare, shadow befalls,
(it) tranforms him into absolute NOOR
(and these seven Sultan-ul-fuqra) do not require of the seekers to do the lengthy excercies of superficial litanies ( beacause with mere glance, they can take the seeker to high spritiual stations)
Listen (O seeker) that this faqir (who is purgated)
the author of this compilation (this delectable book)
has done away with all the veils
(which were barring intimacy) (between him & ALLAH )
(and thus) he has himself become WAHDAT ( a manifestation of Absoulte UNITY)
All Praise and glory be to ALLAH, the (physical) body of this (humble) worshipper
is (like ) a thin veil
between (him & ALLAH )
(and, from behind this thin veil ALLAH is revealing through him) thousand of strange secretes
and exquistite subleties are being stated
HE Himself is the speaker, HE Himself is the speech
HE Himself is the scribe, HE Himself is the script
HE Himself is the proof HE Himself is the proved
HE Himself is the Lover HE Himself is the Beloved
If you take this (very piece of writing) as the signs of divine capabilities that is precisely so
(but) if you call this (very book) as a divine revelation (sent down on me) that is also right , God forbid
(and) if you read this document (which is full) of subtleties
as utterance of this (humble) worshipper that is also perfectly correct (way of understanding it)
if a wali (of high spritiual station) faces a decline, in his spritiual matters
or (if ) in this phenomenal (material) world
looses his (high & respectable) position
then, if he seeks (the help of) this delectable book as medium (to approach me)
for him, I will be a perfect guide (murshid-ay-kaamil)
if he does not seek the help (of this book) then, let him be doomed (qassam to him)
but if I do not give him (after he has sought help through this book) then, let me be doomed (qassam to me)
and, if the seeker, of connection & communication (to ALLAH), of civility of conduct (in the path to ALLAH )
holds fast, and retain this (book as medium)
then, due to retention & perseverance
I will give him the knowledege (of ALLAH ) and I will make his heart, alive
and (I will make) his conscience, clear & bright
I present myself, in the service of whosoever is the(true) seeker of HAQ( truth)
so that, I take the seeker, within a moment, from the beginning to the end ( of the path to ALLAH)
come, O seeker (of this material world) come, O seeker ( of the hereafter) come, O seeker ( of ALLAH)
so that, the very first day, I take you (to your destination) with ALLAH
Listen (O, seeker)
those who have (intimate and ) perfect knowledge (of ALLAH) are the (true) Qaderi followers
(and thus, they are) capable of (performing amazing) feats
and (are capable of) of being prresent at every place
The author of this book, who is completely engrossed in observing the HA of HUWIYET , says that when
truly divine grace and favour was bestowed (uopn me)
which I received as a blessing in the truest sense
then Prohphet Muhammad (at the) holliest station of NOOR (divine light) (peace & benediction be upon him)
(Prophet Muhammad) instructed me to guide the people ( to righteousness) (without discriminating among people)
may they be msulims , may they be non-believers
may they be with fortunes , may they be unfortunate ones
may they be living , may they be deceased
ZabaAnd, he ( Prophet Muhammad(p.b.u.h)) himself, with his pearl-divulging tongue called me Mustafa, the second
and Mujtaba of the last eons
(Prophet Muhammad) Mustafa (p.b.u.h) himself initiated me on his own
and Mujtaba (p.b.u.h) himself called me, his son
(Prophet Muhammad) Mustafa (p.b.u.h) has given permission (& instruction) to (Hazrat Sultan) Bahoo(r.a)
to guide ( and instruct) people ( to the righteousness) only for ALLAH's sake ( only to please ALLAH )
I am (as low as) the dust under the feet of (Imaam) Hussain(r.a.) & (Imaam) Hassan( r.a.)
that is why I have achieved such ( a high spiritual) station in gnosis
(when I had reahed) at a (very high) station of Faqr,
from the Court of Magnificense, the decree came that
(in reply) this faqir humbly petitioned that
"this incapable, (powerless person) is not worthy of (honour & responsibility of ) loving the Personna of Magnificence"
(on this) it was stated that '(THEN), YOU ARE MY BE-LOVED'
(for this) this incapable, (powerless person) (had no answer and thus) kept quite
(after my acceptance of the statement) a shadow of light from the Personna of Magnificence
drowned, (immersed) this (humble) worshipper and each ( and every) atom (of his body)
into the oceans of ( perpetual divine) attention
Wa Farmood
and said that,
Wa Ma Ain-ay Tu Hasstaim"
and WE (with all the Names & Great Qualities) Are your ESSENCE"
"IN (the domain of) HAQIQAT (reality) YOU ARE MY REALITY"
"and IN ( the domain of) MA'RIFAT (gnosis) YOU ARE OUR ( very intimate) FRIEND
and IN THE SHAPE of (Arabic word) HOO,
You (are the traveler who) has reached the regions of SECRETS OF YAHOO


khurshid said...

i like it very much because it is very impotent for all Muslims.

khurshid said...

I like this very much because it is very impotent for all Muslims

Anonymous said...

this is SHIRK in its most despicable form. no creation has ever seen ALLAH's countenance. we, that is all of humanity, as well as the angels and jinnat are all creations while ALLAH alone is the CREATOR. this is rubbish. lets wake up and focus upon worshipping God rather than trying to reach HIM which is impossible. life is short, its better if we just finish our purpose here and strive via Jihad to attain paradise rather than muddle in this esoteric, occult, shirkiana nonensense. wake up muslims!

mehmood pochee said...

to mr anonymos- that is the value of your knowledge - "anonymos".
dont be judgemental-research and seek knowledge and ask ALLAH SWT to bless you to understand the wisdom of the knowledge.
Were did you get the knowledge and sucess from?
If you understand the contents of the book it completely nagates the individual and GLORIFIES THE ONENES OF ALLAH SWT.
Its a bigger sin with mordern techonology and excess to literature you refuse to seek the wisdom of what you profess to believe in .

Saadat Ali Ghauri said...

I love and respect all what my Hazrat Sultan Bahoo RA written in Roohi Sharif. My Experience with this master piece is that keep on reading this for some time without worrying about meanings and thoughts. You will feel and realizes the change within you and some meanings may come to you after a long time wait......

Anonymous said...

everyday is haqbahu